Bestof ElonMusk2021 #ElonMusk #MuskWatch2021 BEST of Elon Musk Motivation | If This Does Not Motivate You Nothing Will !

6 p.m christmas eve 2008 it was the last
hour of the last day that it waspossible we would have gone bankrupt two days after christmas otherwise when you had that third failure in a row did you think.
I need to pack this in never
why noti don't ever give up i mean i'd have to be dead or completely incapacitated musk is 40 years old a naturalized american citizen and reportedly worth nearly 2 billion what was your biggest failure and how did that change well there's a ton of failures along the way that's for sure 2008 was brutal few umyeah 2008 we had the third consecutive failure of the falcon rocket for spacex um teslaalmost went bankrupt we closed ourfinancing round6 pm christmas eve 2008 it was the last hour of the last day that it was possible we would have gone bankrupt two days after christmas otherwise and i got divorced that was like rough man remembering scar tissue there well it poses a question or maybe you just answered the question of why is no one else doing these thingswhat's your pain threshold yeah hope it's real highwhy even begin when something is important enough you do it even though it's not in your favor how much of your personal fortune have you poured into this uh 100 million dollars a hundred million dollars intosomething that you did not believe would work at the beginning yes like one of the most difficult choices i ever faced uh in life was was in 2008 um and um i think i had uh like maybe 30 million dollars left or 30 or 41 left in 2008 i had two choices i could put it all into one com pany and then the other company would definitely dieum or split it between the two companies and but if i split it between two companies then both might die and you know when you put your blood sweat and tears into creating something you're building something it's like a child and so it's like which one am i gonna let one starve to deathi couldn't bring myself to do it so I put I split the money between the twofortunately thank goodness they both came through you know there are american heroes who don't like this idea neil armstrong gene cernan have bothtestified against commercial space flight in the way that you're developing it and i wonder what you think of that i was very sad to see that um because those guys are yeah you know those guys are heroes of mineso it's really toughyou know i i wish they would come and visit and and see the hardware that we're doing here and i think that would change their mind they inspired you to do this didn't they yes and to see them casting stones in yourdirectionit's difficult did you expect them to cheer you on so they hoping they would a lot of people want to know you know you're managing three or four
companies now each of them are trying to
do something revolutionary each of them
challenging a business that has
historically been regarded as
impossible to challenge or disrupt how
do you how do you prioritize
i think that a lot of times people think
like creating companies
going to be fun i would say it's not
it's really not that fun i mean there
are periods of fun
starting a business i'd say
number one is have a high paying
that's it
there's a friend of mine who's got a
good saying which is that starting a
company is like eating glass and
stirring into the abyss okay that's
um that's generally what happens because
when you first start a company there's
lots of optimism and things that things
are great and then so happiness at first
is high then you encounter all sorts of
issues uh and happiness will steadily
and then you'll go through a whole world
of hurt
and then eventually you'll if you
succeed and in most cases you will not
and tesla almost didn't succeed came
very close to failure um
then if you succeed then
after a long time you will finally get
back to happiness
since spacex launched 18 years ago musk
has revolutionized rocketry and the
business model of space travel his
falcon 9 rocket is reusable a milestone
breakthrough because it slashes the
dominant cost of launching
breidstein says that sort of corporate
innovation is key to nasa's future too
life cannot just be about solving one
miserable problem after another can't
that can't be the only thing they need
to be
need to be things that inspire you
that make you glad to be to wake up in
the morning and be part of humanity
that's why we did this
this guy called tsielkovsky
one of the early russian
rocket scientists the great saying
earth is the cradle of humanity but you
cannot stay in the cradle forever
it is time to go forth become a
star faring civilization
be out there among the stars
expand the scope and scale of human
i find that incredibly exciting
that makes me glad to be alive
i hope you feel the same way
